7:29 PM
just had 2 days of holiday.. and is sat again... rest.. slp.. slack... really need to change my life style... if not will turn into a pig in no time... :p
on 8/8 there is no school... but got celebration for national day... and every 1 was suppose to wear red or white... and ppl really look different.. cas aj uni really make ppl look ugly.. and v'student' looking... e celebration was quite boring.. :p thought i ehjoied myself at some part of e concert... but having to sid in a space for 2hrs is really not comfortable...
went to j8 with selian after tt... had lunch and a chatting session... and talk about some sensitive issues... bout love.. bout religion.. bout life... one of e interesting question tt she mentioned was tt if u will die e day after.. wat will u regret not doing?? and wat will be one of e last things u do...
if there is really something tt u want to do... then what is stop u from it... cas u wont no if u will die tomorrow... [v.pessimistic hor.. but quite true eh]
cas u really wont no wat will happen tomorrow ma...
went to meet shenbian ppl after tt... we r celebrating justin's bday... so good lo.. every year got holiday on his b'day... so shuang... then end up tt he is e 1st to reach.. and all e rest r late... -_-" went to pool with them.. and hang around for a while... b4 rushing down to china town area for my dental appointment...
waited for like 1hr+ there...
went to cityhall to meet NYJC PAE 0622 mates... long time nv c them already.. and i really miss them loads.. audrey.. chinping.. karthini... cally.. weiting.. wingyan.. cheohao... weeter.. gerald.. zhiheng... and e birthday girl.. michelle... e gang was really funny... esp when i was sitting with gerald and karthini... they were really entertaining le... i cant even eat when they talk... laugh until stomach pain.. hahaz... cas gerald keep saying karthini bout all e funny things.. and she will reply some even more funny stuff... wahahahaz... :D :D :D then after tt went to watch fireworks... really v.beautiful eh...

heart shape de!!!

manymany fireworks...
been really long since i last saw these type of fireworks... like 10 yrs?? [tt make me sound so old.. hahaz]

and this is our pic of e day!! with out wingyan and henry... cas they couldent find us... :p
and mi in e centre.. look so out of place.. hahaz..
envy those who r born on 8/8.. cas they always get nice things like fireworks and holiday for their b'day...
[my computer is finally fixed... fixed??]