1:07 PM
is 28/06 today!! wahahahaz... an impt day on my calender.. for those who knows way... :D and also my 'class day'..
been busy preparing for my exam in e pass week.. so there r not much posts... :p today just finish my maths paper... not as bad as expected la... was expecting e standard of mdm wong's a-maths paper... but turn out to be ok... and also can finish in time..[at least those tt can do all do le] just hope tt e result wont turn out to be too bad la... cas my gp econ and chem hor... haiz... well.. still got phy on fri as e last paper... jiayou!!
e school will be giving us 2 days of holiday next week.. on mon and thu... and my pe days r tue and wed... : so 'heng' lol...
i wanna go slp now le.. hahaz.. is 1pm... maybe i will wake up at 2pm... [tomorrow?? hahaz] have been slping for only 5hrs a day for e past 3 days... and im e type tt need 8hrs a day lo... so v.tired now...
[ is 28/06 today!!!!!]