lesser entries
10:39 PM
im getting more and more lazy... dont feel like doing anything... not even blogging... but decide to update cas in e next 2 weeks there will be v.few entries... as i will be preparing foe my MYE... wich starts on e 1st day of term 3.. :( and e 1st paper is GP.. :(( oh... hope tt i can pass... nothing much happening la... study study study.. and pw occasionally... life b4 exams r like this... i have already [and must] accept it... just cant force myself into e full speed at e right track yet... but going to... 13more days to MYE... jiayou!!
i feel super studpid la... just throw away something tt i treasure loads and will nv have again... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all e while i have been trying to keep things tt can bring back memories... and i just realised tt i throw something which is an impt mark of my life away!!! OMG... :/\/\/\/
[i want it back!! :"(]