5:05 PM
:( feel sick today... v.unwell... painpain... :"(
finally started studying... at least doing some tutorial questions... got stuck at my MI tutorial... learn it twice le but still cant do... feel so stupid... lol...
been home for another 2days le... tt sounds so guai... :p
nv been doing much things... can feel that time is being wasted... will 1 week of e holiday is gone.. 3 more weeks... to e end of holiday.. and to my mid-year... ahh!! haven start revision yet... haiz... i dont like AJ life... e ppl so mugging de... everyday studystudystudy... think i learn better in NY... where u get to play and learn together... but i surely will slack de.. :p think tts y my parents dont want me to stay there ba... sobz...