7:14 PM
went to town on fri as planned... had a fun day... walking around... k-box session... and shopping!! hahaz.. so long nv buy things le... [e last time i went was like 4 weeks ago though :p]
bought friends' birthday presents... think i still own someone a present.. :p hehez... wellz.. and also got a bag for my mummy!! for mother's day la... think she is quite happy with it.. yap.. and of couse i wont miss out e chance to get myself a bag too... hehez... but e bag i bought is quite plain... so i did something to it... and i am proud of it... muhahahaz...

is nice right?? just tt e buttons r a bit weird.. cas they are fake la.. i cant find any nice ones at home... and cant find anything tt fits the whole thing... so just did it myself.. :x maybe shall replace it with real buttons which i am going to buy.. :p

okz... tt about all on fri ba... sat and today is just a normal weekend la... was slacking the whole time... but i manage to read some econs and chem notes... :D
chem test this wed.. and phy SPA on thu... hope everything can go on smoothly...
oh ya..finally decide about econ or geo le... after reading some notes on geo and checking out e syllabus for both subject on SEAB... i wanna change my contrasting sbuject to H1 geo... will go and talk to my teacher tomorrow ba... [please give me e courage to do so... :x] and i dont wanna change class... so is like i want to remain in my class and change subject combi.. yap... think it is possible ba.. [please let it be]
tts bout all le... jiayou for e up coming week!!
[having a lot of random thoughts]