should i??
8:46 PM
been pondering over this for e pass two weeks... should i change my subject combi?? i no is kind of late to think bout this now but... is better than thinking bout it after my As... when i may be really regreting... was thinking of taking up geo H1 and drop econs H2... cas i really cant understand wat e teacher is talking bout in lesson lol... i tried... i really did... i listen during lectures... read the notes at home... but e concepts just cant link in my head... points all over e place... :( at 1st i thought tt i can get it after sometime... but now i realise tt it is nt e case... u dont understand means u dont understand... i think i just dont have e econs sense ba... some ideas may seem really easy to somr of u... but i just cant get it... if u wanna ask y i nv drop it after e 1st 3 months? well i also dont no... just thought tt i can make it de... and i love geo... i really do... esp physical geo... but it is really of no use lol... wat can i do with H1 geo?? map drawer?? think my parents will kill me if i do tt lol... but at least i think it can give me a good grade ba... how i wish i could be cleverer... or at least have some econ sense... haiz still haven decide... cas changing combi will means changing class... and i dont want tt.. i like my class... and i dont want a new set of teachers... i am just getting used to this one now and need to change again?? and my PW group?? wat to do?? haiz... really wonders...