track and field meet...
9:47 PM
today is AJ's sports day!! is a fun day overall...
went for 8x50m with my class girls... pearl yajie grace lingyan wanching peijin and sweekun... but they miss e medal cas of me... i dint do a good job... really sorry girls... maybe witout me u can get top 3... o.o
wellz... after tt was fun la... esp e cheerleading of different houses... they were throwing e girls up like they throw pillow like tt... poor girls... :p
for JAGUAR house de cheerleading... my class e guys went to help out with some effect... ya make it look nicer la... then when they announce that JAGUAR was e winner for e cheerleading.. they were like saying they can only get 2nd if there were not there to help... -_-
over all JAGUAR was e third house... e average... :p
then after tt i was a bit too high... suggested running around e track lol... unlike me hor...
then just cheong finish lol... and at e last part i ran faster then marcus!!! kekez cas his shoes drop out la...
then after want for dinner with liangyan yajie wanching pearl edmund marcus and jiazheng... had fun la... thouth i had a hard time cutting my chicken wing with e plastic spone... then charlie zhijue and alvin came to join us...
then suddenly they start telling ghost stories lol... made my hair all stand... and so cold... :(
i dont like it!! next time wanna say these kind of things better dont call me hor... i will be covering up my ears most of e time... hehez...
then after tt jiu went home le...
still have many things to do... i need more time lol... for all e happenings...
i need to go and do my GPP and PI now...
x-yingz [i am still nt use to it.. and wish i will nv be able to..]