v.ball match
9:03 PM
yeah!! went to watch guys national v.ball finals today... is AJC against TJC... and AJC won!!! ^_*
is a tough match la... in 1st round AJ beat TJ 25-11 then TJ won the second and third round... ya... then AJ got e last 2 round and we won!! hehez...
was v.high during e match... keep clapping and cheering...
hahaz... had fun there la... but v.few 28/06 ppl went.. :(
is really fun lol... u guys should have went... kekez..
saw part of e girls finals too.. NYJC against HCI.. and HCI won e title... and meet NY friends... nv c some of them for months le la... miss them... esp OG and CT friends la... shall have an outing during e june holiday... yeah i love outings... a bit crazy today...
then had dinner at tpy mac... and reach home le... ya... need to go study phy SPA tomorrow le...
[reminds me of e girls finals bball match in sec 3]