i hate mugging
10:55 PM
holiday ending in 3 days... meaning tt exams r 3days away... :(
i dont like mugging... preparing for exam... and taking exam... :((
and when u get back e results... :(((
learning is great... u get to know new things... and have fun while doing it.. cas e teachers will crack lame jokes... and having lessons with ur class simply roxz...
but why must we like have MYE?? cant they have tests after every topic?? so we dont need to 'revise' so much?? and who suggested having e MYE after e holiday??!!
holiday is for u to rest ma... and of cause.. read through ur notes to prepare for e next topics and understand what u have learn in e term...
not to mug cas e 1st day of term 3 is ur exam!!
i know there r some hard working ones out there tt will study everyday since e start of e holiday so they can 'be prepared' for e exam.. and would love to have it after e holiday cas they will have 30 days extra to mug... but since we have been taking e exams b4 e june holiday for e past 8 yrs? [or maybe longer?] y not just continue with it?? :s
y must they put it such tt we cant enjoy e last day of our holiday?? [unless u r so hardworking tt u finish everything b4 tt]
[i miss Anderson SEC.. badly..]