8:55 PM
just wrote a v.long entry... but my comp just close e window... :( and i nv save it... so i will redo it again... but this will be a shorter 1... [cas cant really remember wat i was typing just now...]
ok... bored school days... study hw study hw pw cca... is all bout this... every1 is starting to prepare for either A level.. O level... or promo... no 1 want to go play... i wanna go beach... watch sunset... or maybe just catch a movie... any takers?? im trying v.hard to fill my mind with things so i wont hu si luan xiang...[ which i cant stop myself from...] i need a v.busy life to bring my mind away from all those things... or maybe really a rest tt can recharge myself...[not 1 tt i will play so hard tt i get more tired..]
been thinking so much tt im losing weight... bout 3kgs... and have not been eating much... im even losing my interest in food!! [really wrong] just hope tt i will be back to normal soon... cheer up!!