e audition
1:09 PM
ok... wanted to update yesterday...but i was simply too tired and lazy...
reach home at 5+ yesterday.. after e audition for new face 2006... was a tiring day... plus e fact tt i was on heels for bout 9 hrs... :s my feet was killing me by e time i reach home... :
the audition was held at subaru hub at tpy... i was expecting bout 100 ppl to turn up la... cas e ppl there were shortlisted u c... so thought tt there wont be so many ppl... then turn up tt there were like 250 ppl... o.O then we got a number each and started waiting... i got 113 which was around e middle... so not too bad... waited for bout an hr b4 going in in groups of 8... then e judges was like staring at us.. and we r suppose to keep smiling for the whole time when we were in there... :x and surprisingly.. i wasnt nervous... so i tried my best to hold e smile on my face... while they were staring at us... 0.0
then we got out and waited for e result... and had our lunch... i think tt e girls were simply too nervous or they just dont eat... they dint even finish e food catered for 200 ppl when there were 250 ppl... -_-"
after lunch... we waited for bout another hr.. b4 e guy came our with a list... then e whole hall went silent... "ok here is e list of girls selected for e 2nd round... in in numerical order... so if ur no is not called, just leave e room k... and maybe join again next year... " then this guy started with number 90+... all those b4 tt was super sad la... but no 1 stood up.. so they were just waiting for him to finish e list... then... he started calling single digits... and he realised tt e no is not in order... -_-""
my number was e last few he called... i thought i wasnt going to get in.. so i was like ready to leave then... then i heard "113"... im like... oh... i got in?? hahaz... after e 1st round... there were bout 50+ left... so im kind of luky huh... e chance is 1/5... :D then we need to go through it again and again... im feeling ok.. but some of e others r really nervous... e time e judges stared at us increase as e no of ppl decrease... :p feels weird...
then when it finally came to e final list... im a bit nervous... they selected 23 for e final list... im not in... wells.. kind of expected... was already v.happy tt i got through e 1st few... and guess wat... im 113... 110 111 112 and 114 all got in... out of 250... hahaz... but i have to say tt they r really good... and pretty... and they know how to make up... [i will need to learn tt]
think will c them on e papers or something next week... hope to c my new friends there.. :)
e audition is really fun... and i really learn a lot from e others yesterday... e way they present themselves.. e way they talk... is all e 'class' ppl... and some bitch ones of cause... but im lucky tt i met nice ones.. :))
im suppose to go k-box with selian today... but i only got up at 1 due to e effect of e painkiller i took at 6am today... and i dint call her... i think she must be really angry with me... so.. to selian: so sorry... *_* and really thankz for e make up...
and i will only be able to return muihiang's Dori book next week...
just finish tabulating my group's survey results... i forget how to do a nice and proper pie chart!! can only get e ugly 1s tt e excel give... which i dont like... :( all e computer lessons i have in sec 1 & 2 were wasted... :p cas i dint really learn anything from it...
i shall go and do my chem tutorial now... i must be guai and study hard... so i wont flunk my promo... hopefully... :)
[ ^_^ ]