blood donation
8:43 PM
a substantial day... [cant think of a better word.. :p]
morning i was on e train ee i dint manage to catch for bout 3months... hahaz.. then rich school le saw jiazheng with our super thick PW working resource file... is so thick tt e file cant close properly la... i dint realise tt we have so much research materials... :x
then e usual maths lesson... followed by PE... but today we only ran 1 round... hahaz... less than 400m... for AJ PE... is surprising la... cas we r suppose to go hall and plat table tennis... longlong time nv touch tt le... e last time i play was 9yrs ago ba... when i was like 9... hahaz... so obviously.. i cant play le... cant control e ball... :p then half way through a group of guys came in to keep e tables and chairs... [e hall was used for listening yesterday...] and sweekun kick one of e PE teachers accidentally... cas he was standing behind her.. then she jump back... and the teacher was like giving tt *today i super suai* face... hahaz.. super funny...
e other lessons were as usuall... but we manage to discuss some events as our econs teacher wasnt in... quite a number of things going on next week... liangyan is leaving for cananda next sat... so sad... we have even fewer girls in e class... and will miss her lo... a nice girl...
after school me and sweekun went for blood donation!! [but she dint donate cas e nurse cant find her vein] my 1st time... hahaz.. was thinking tt maybe they wont take mine cas last time my BP v.low... but somehow.. is in e normal range today... hahaz... then had blood test and all tt b4 they really take my blood... was a bit nervous la... cas i scared tt i may feel giddy... but it turn out to be ok... [just tt my hand was super cold] is interesting when u feel ur blood flow out of u... and is warm... [duh] then b4 me got i guy donate half way then feel giddy... so e nurse make him lie down.. and lift up his legs... [so e blood can flow to his head] and he was left in tt position for bout 15min... i was saying tt guys r not used to losing too much blood... :p
after my cca... which i only attend for 5 min... [ and e teacher was teaching my fav. song...] i went to orchard to look for beien to collect my book... when she say my blood donation band she was like "u dare to donate blood ah??!!" hey.. im not tt weak ok... at least physically im not... hahaz...
okz.. now i shall go do my gp essay+outline+research le... and pack my phy file... cas need to hand in on fri... [and most of my tutorials not completed!! die..]