chem ct down!! still have phy on wed...
6:28 PM
just finish my chem ct!!
so glad to get it over... is not really smt big.. but is nice to get smt off u.. =)
not a really hard paper.. but need to be careful.. i made a lot of careless and stupid mistakes... =x
ok i shall not say more bout e test.. cas got another lecture grp haven take e paper yet... gd luck for those!
still have phy ct on wed!! gd luck to me... e sub tt i dislike e most...=xx
ok nvm... shall change my subjective view of e subject... i still wan at least a B for it at e end of e yr.. =D
so happy tt e baiyungang production is on this fri!!! and sat!!
its alr been a yr... so fast... =)
is really a great crew tt i will nv regreat in joining... we have been through so much... all great ppl.. =))
i love e byg 06 production team!!! <3
my life kind of lost its axis some time b4 i realist tt its not there... like e centre of me goes missing... like just dissappeared... not those where it slowly move away... but it feels like its there a second ago... u blink.. then its gone...
there r thinks tt i really really wanna say out.. been thinking for v.long alr...
but maybe cas we r not tt close.. maybe we drift apart... maybe is at e wrong time... maybe.. maybe...
is just not right to say...
i realised smt interesting bout me... when i get stressed up... i get emo... -.-

10:42 PM
slacked away another day.... =
got up at 11+.... had a quite sat at home.. with parents out and i cant go out... wat to do?? slack la... as im nv e hardworking type.. ok la.. i admit tt i seldom do my work until e last minute.. [unless im really really in a gd mood]
on e net e whole afternoon... watch stuff.. read blogs.. trying to find a nice version of monopoly online... oh btw.. any one have any link for online monopoly games??? im really craving for e game!!! love board games... =D
cleared my wardrobe after tt... did smt i really dislike doing.. HAND washed my dress... just cas of some decorations sewed onto it... i cant just throw it into e washing machine... SO SAD!! i really think tt washing machine is such a great invention tt save ppl's time and energy for other stuff...
planned to study my chem test after dinner.. but end up reading a bk... some novel tt i dig out from my pile of books during spring clearning... talking bout this... i really think tt i have e typical virgo characters like cleaning up stuff and packing them... thought i get really tired after doing tt... but y my mum still keep saying tt my room is in a forever messy state??!! do all mums have e virgo character?? cas i really hear a lot of friends saying tt their mum complain bout e same thing... well maybe marriage and having kids can really change a female... =x
was talking bout ou xiang ju with my og member yesterday.. and i suddenly realised tt teenagers watch and enjoy ou xiang ju e same way as kids enjoy cartoon.. to a great extent... cas in both case.. we r looking for smt tt is rather impossible in real life... [unless u have a really really chio or shuai friend] and we get attracted to these cas its our dream way of life... for eg e show on showing on some chinese channel... U no... e story sounds really unrealistic... like how can a girl go to a guy school just for a guy... and e most absurd point is tt no one nos... not even her parents and bro... how is tt possible?? but it happened there in e story... so ppl r keen to find our wat happen.. e script writer got e mind of e viewers.. and he nos wat ppl r interested in and wanna no... same for e cartoons... impossible story... but kids love to watch.... y?? cas they love e way e cartoon charactors love and want to be like them.. right? tts e point... ppl r getting further and further away from real life... they prefer e imaginary world and wants to live in it... v.few can resist e temptation of tt... children search for it in cartoons.. teenagers [mostly girls] search for it in ou xiang ju... [well guys look for it in other areas like anime and... u know.. xD]
im not trying to say tt viewing those r bad... cas im also catching... =p but jus tt maybe we should limit ourselve at time and practice some self control... =D
i should really go and look through my work now... b4 i go to slp... cas haven do anything yet... hahaz... will have a busy wk ahead.. chem and phy CT... plsu some other stuff due.. =p gd luck to me.. and others... =))
searching... for some aspect of life tt is currently empty.. =( sho shad...
but i still have a great life!! =))

happy piggy yr.. =)
2:56 PM
happy chinese new yr to everyone!!!
hope u guys can get lots and lots of hongbao.. =D
im here in time for a spring cleaning for my blog b4 e new yr.. hahaz...
a lot of things happened after sch start... until now...
new j1s.. new j2 life.. cca activites... CNY concert planning... school work... science SPA... lagged tutorials..
think is time to settle down a bit alr...
since most of my teachers r trying to put e idea tt a lvl is not tt far away into our heads...
acturally is not really tt far ba...
since j1 pass so fast... j2 should be faster as e school life is shorter..
anyway... hope for a new start in e new yr... work hard!!!
wish everyone zhu nian xing da yun!!! =D