yap im back to blog!!=D
i no e last blog was rotting le.. so changed skin..
this skin was originally green.. is nice.. but i prefer it blue..
so got jiazheng to change it for me.. took a while cas cant find e nice shade of blue tt i want..=p but in e end manage to do it.. i no im picky la.. k.. =p
Thankz JIAZHENG!!!!
shall start to blog from e more recent days first.. =)
just came back from bintan on sun night.. went there for 3d2n holiday with my family..
is a totally different place from singapore... more like thailand i would say..but city is much smaller and e roads r v.narrow..
we went there by boat on fri morning.. got to wake up at 5.30am to catch it.. cas of e time we need to travel from my house to e terminal..
e view from e boat was v.nice!!
esp e sky.. nice blue.. and e ocean was also nice... =)
wanna go out to e sea again!!
but i think must learn how to swim 1st.. in case.. =p
after reaching bintan.. we went for shopping and lunch b4 going to our resort.. bought a pink shirt there..
and also this giantic packet of chill chips...
it only cost $3!!! worth it right...
and e taste is not bad!! =)
went to another shopping center after tt..
got myself a new wallet and some ear rings.. nicenice.. =D
and during my trip.. i realised tt e ppl there love to draw on their buildings.. then paint their buildings in bright colours like red or yellow.. and have patterns on it...
like e pattern on this wall was drawn onto it.. is not like those here.. where e white part is cement and e black part is rock.. the one in e pic is made of buge rocks with no cement.. co they drew e white lines to make it look nicer.. i guess..
went to this chinese temper land later tt afternoon...
is very big and covers a large land area..
including this 4 cute small figures... cute?
but e bus ride there was v.tiring.. cas e roads there r not like those we c usually... e width of their highway was only about 2/3 of those in spore.. in means tt e drivers have to be extra skilled to drive.. esp when we r on a v.big coach.. cas usually they travel by moto bike and van [e buses in that city r all vans!!]
also due to its island landscape.. e roads r not build on flat land.. is going up and down hill and hence is in a vertical snake shape.. with most of its slops about 30' from level ground.. is quite scary at first.. but after getting used to it.. in quite fun.. a bit like those mini roller coasters... =p
went to check in at binatn agro resort after tt... e trip was another 2hrs of bus ride... =
been taking a lot of bus ride those 3days.. cas is e only source of transportation... sadly...
went to e beach on e second day.. suppose to spend the whole day there.. but it start to rain soon after we reach.. so end up staying indoor till like 3pm.. i was totally bored tt time.. cas nothing to do.. but my mum had a good time doing spa.. *jealous.. but was fair enough la.. cas after e rain stop.. i went to kayak with daddy.. leaving my mum to look after e things.. =p
i realised tt e beach there r v.nice cas e slop into e ocean is v.gentle... so much tt after kayaking bout 2km into e ocean.. i can still stand on e seabed with e water at my knee level!! amazing huh.. i really wish i had my digi cam with me at tt time la.. can tap down e whole thing.. but cant bring.. cas i will be wet lo.. =(
and i was telling my daddy tt if e sea level drops like one meter.. indonesia will have at lease twice as much as land lo...
after tt kayak back with daddy and took some photo of e beach...
i love e colour of this pic!!!
went back to e resort after tt.. and had a sea food bbq buffet dinner... hahaz.. e sea food there r interesting.. e size of a crab is bout e same as tt of my plate.. [those western food plate eh!!] and e sotong taste good.. =)
this is e villa there we stay during e 2night... v.big and nice.. and e decorations matches perfectly with the painting and e colour of e building...
spend my late night there watching tv.. =p cas was really really tired from the day's activity.. then also quite late after e dinner.. so cant go anywhere..
on e last day.. we check out of e resort at bout 12.. then went to e city for shopping for another 2hrs.. where we bought some food and shoes for my parents.. b4 going to e jetty..
this pic was taken while waiting for e bus to drive into e carpark of e jetty.. was jamming tt day.. and we almost missed our boat!! but juckly e boat was delayed.. hahaz..
on e way back.. my parents were really v.tired tt they rather slp then go to e deck to c e view.. but for me.. of cause i wont miss out e nice view la... took loads of photos of e sunset and e sea.. ^_^
this is e view of singapore fron e boat during sunset... nice ba.. hahaz.. took 2hrs to travel from there back to my house tt night.. fall a slp right after bath.. cas still need to work on e next day.. =x
over all is a nice trip la.. but will be better if nv rain on second day.. =)
humm wanted to up date bout earlier stuff.. but i think e entry v.long liao.. so maybe another time ba.. =)
learn to make things interesting rather than waiting for interesting things to happen to ur life..