no link
1:42 PM
promos is only 28 days away... every1's busy nowadays.. preparing for promos.. prelims.. well.. life is turly bout learning... but not to e extent tt u do nothing but revision right.. at least im not doing just tt... or rather not yet doing tt.. currently tring my best to get into e revision mood... and doing tutorials... but im really going at a super slow rate... and if i continue with this speed.. confirm cannot finish all e things b4 promos... -_-" is either i chiong or i dont finish... *deh* seriously i dont mind going through lessons and doing tutorials... but i wanna do it at my own pace... so i can really enjoy e process and learn e most... but... e teacher is always so fast... end up i rush everything... without really understanding it... but have to keep up... and e result will be everything gets confused... and cant really understand... my life seens to be in a total mess.. losing control of many things..
a totally no link entry... :p
[free fall]