18th sept
10:00 PM
en entry written by a person...
who was feeling too stressed up...
by e promos...
life is filled with revision these days... revision revision revision revision and revision... and also... not forgetting our lessons... cca plannings... and e dearest pw wr and EOM!!!
been doing my eom for hours... and still cant really pass... totally hate it... sosososososo angry!!! wanna explode!!!
everything coming up together... how to do??? [laughing with tears in e eyes] sobz...
i hate my life now...
life without { outings.. friends... meeting ups... dinner with friends... going out... slacking times... aim.. goal.. longlong tv session... computer games... pool.. k-box.. town.. movies... chalets... }
just hate it totaly!!!
wats e point... living in it while u dont like part any of it... may as well just stop schooling and go work right?? sometimes i really feel like going back centuries... where no 1 knows wat is dy/dx.. and stupid formulae like power/area... is just sicking la... living in such a world... which has an education system tt aims to stretch e students...
i really envy those tt can really put themselves down and study for like hours... im loosing my patience... or did i have it in e 1st place... maybe i need to be forced?? or maybe tt also wont work..
sat down at my study table for 2 hrs just now... and dint even manage to finish a lecture notes with only 8pgs... and half e things dint get in... wats wrong?? im i just stupid or just stupid...
how am i suppose to bring myself back to e correct path?? desperately need a event to destress... i no there isnt much time left b4 e promos... and i really wanna do well... i no all e things tt im suppose to no... and all tt im suppose to have done... but... but... but... fine.. im trying to find an excuse for myself... ok.. i admit...
im nv good at controling myself at e impt time... dint put in all e effort tt i could have for almost all the things in my life... always loosing it in e most impt time... the last min..
i have almost all e things 1 could have want in life... a gd life.. a gd family.. gd parents tt really love me... but i have take them for granted most of e time... even gd grandparents who always dote on me... gd friends who accept all my mistakes... and my childish acts... and support me whenever im feeling low... i have all tt 1 could have ask for.. in a perfect life.. yet my life is like.. a total mess...
im sorry tt my blog became my place to destress.. cas cant find any other ways... if i keep everything to my heart and head... i will become a tumbler in no time... just tt im upside down... -^-..

12th sept
11:16 PM
JIAYOU for e PROMO!!! [and A & O levels too]

9th sept
11:20 PM
just drop by to post a short entry b4 i go to my dreamland :)
just 'finish' my gp presentation slides.. [still have e wr for it to be done -_-] really wonder y e teacher wanna give us group work on gp now.. when every1 is busy doing revision for promo.. and wr 3rd draft... bobian lol... she give.. we must do... =x
e sept holiday is gone le.. this is e 1 tt pass v.fast every time... due to e end of yr exam which follows i suppose... is e 1st time tt final yr really stress me la... usually final yr exam is ok de...
school reopening soon...
thought really dying le.. cas i mistake both my phy and chem spa to be on next week.. turn out tt phy is on wk2 and chem.. is dont no when.. hahaz.. [ok la.. i no i blur can..]
but still.. have many other things to do!!
my momentum to do work is back!! slowly... i guess.. but is a good start ma.. :)
every 1 jiayou for watever exam u r preparing!!! ^_^

7th Sept
10:58 PM
1st of all.. an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to WINGYAN and AUDREY!!! wish tt all ur dreams can come true... and loads of luck for ur promos.. ^_^
i think is really great to know someone whos b'day is e same as urs... is just fun.. esp if u all r close friends... [i no there r some exceptions.. =x] imagine u msg some1 happy birthday.. and e person reply happy birthday to u too... hahaz.. isnt tt interesting??
went to school for extra phy lesson today... 4hrs... o.O really INTERESTING... i dint take in any thing e teacher say after e 3rd hour.. maybe cas im super hungry by then.. :p
must do work le!! really running short of time... only like 23 days away to promos.... !!! 0.0 tts like really fast...hope i can get over and done with it... =)
go study!!!

e expression in her eyes
2:16 PM
was just looking around when i came across this skin... dint intend to change skin de.. but e pic of e girl really attracted me... e expression in her eyes... and i personally feel tt this skin is v.warming... have a cosy feel...
just finish reading some short stories from e book '化阻力为助力'.. inspired me a lot... came to think tt many problems im facing now r created by me... if only i can go back to e v.basic of life and dont ask for so much.. surely i will be much happier... but is not tt easy to let go at times...
拿的起不一定放的下... is some stage one need to learn in e life ba.. either by understanding the idea behind.. which is e easier way... or experience it by e harder path.. but personal experience will truly teach u more ba... at least from wat i no...
oh btw.. i accidentally miss some links when transferring... dont no y... if i miss out urs just tag ur add here k.. so i can add back...
and my blog entries got no date 1... any1 no how to include tt?? :p

no link
1:42 PM
promos is only 28 days away... every1's busy nowadays.. preparing for promos.. prelims.. well.. life is turly bout learning... but not to e extent tt u do nothing but revision right.. at least im not doing just tt... or rather not yet doing tt.. currently tring my best to get into e revision mood... and doing tutorials... but im really going at a super slow rate... and if i continue with this speed.. confirm cannot finish all e things b4 promos... -_-" is either i chiong or i dont finish... *deh* seriously i dont mind going through lessons and doing tutorials... but i wanna do it at my own pace... so i can really enjoy e process and learn e most... but... e teacher is always so fast... end up i rush everything... without really understanding it... but have to keep up... and e result will be everything gets confused... and cant really understand... my life seens to be in a total mess.. losing control of many things..
a totally no link entry... :p
[free fall]