blood donation
8:43 PM
a substantial day... [cant think of a better word.. :p]
morning i was on e train ee i dint manage to catch for bout 3months... hahaz.. then rich school le saw jiazheng with our super thick PW working resource file... is so thick tt e file cant close properly la... i dint realise tt we have so much research materials... :x
then e usual maths lesson... followed by PE... but today we only ran 1 round... hahaz... less than 400m... for AJ PE... is surprising la... cas we r suppose to go hall and plat table tennis... longlong time nv touch tt le... e last time i play was 9yrs ago ba... when i was like 9... hahaz... so obviously.. i cant play le... cant control e ball... :p then half way through a group of guys came in to keep e tables and chairs... [e hall was used for listening yesterday...] and sweekun kick one of e PE teachers accidentally... cas he was standing behind her.. then she jump back... and the teacher was like giving tt *today i super suai* face... hahaz.. super funny...
e other lessons were as usuall... but we manage to discuss some events as our econs teacher wasnt in... quite a number of things going on next week... liangyan is leaving for cananda next sat... so sad... we have even fewer girls in e class... and will miss her lo... a nice girl...
after school me and sweekun went for blood donation!! [but she dint donate cas e nurse cant find her vein] my 1st time... hahaz.. was thinking tt maybe they wont take mine cas last time my BP v.low... but somehow.. is in e normal range today... hahaz... then had blood test and all tt b4 they really take my blood... was a bit nervous la... cas i scared tt i may feel giddy... but it turn out to be ok... [just tt my hand was super cold] is interesting when u feel ur blood flow out of u... and is warm... [duh] then b4 me got i guy donate half way then feel giddy... so e nurse make him lie down.. and lift up his legs... [so e blood can flow to his head] and he was left in tt position for bout 15min... i was saying tt guys r not used to losing too much blood... :p
after my cca... which i only attend for 5 min... [ and e teacher was teaching my fav. song...] i went to orchard to look for beien to collect my book... when she say my blood donation band she was like "u dare to donate blood ah??!!" hey.. im not tt weak ok... at least physically im not... hahaz...
okz.. now i shall go do my gp essay+outline+research le... and pack my phy file... cas need to hand in on fri... [and most of my tutorials not completed!! die..]

i went out again.. +(
4:53 PM
im suppose to be home doing my tutorials yesterday... but well... :D i went out... :p tt makes my sunday packed with stuff to be done...
was at orchard yesterday.. with shenbian ppl... long time nv c them le... went to get things for friends bday... then went to c beien... really miss them... all the days when we stay back in NY after school... to do all e funny and crappy things b4 e meeting... and e tears we went through... T.T [mostly mine.. :p] but no 1 can go back in time... so just enjoy e moment now ba... so u wont regret later... ^_^
i need to go continue with my tutorials le... b4 they really pile up... :
[simple is a form of happiness]

shining star
8:41 PM
yo... my mood is v.high today... hehez...
by right wanna meet shenbian ppl for dinner de... but cas i too lazy to go down so came home... long time nv c them le... maybe meet up next week at somewhere near bishan or amk?? so i went to woodlands with xingying for lunch.. and she need to get some stuff... for her trip to xiamen... so cool lol... can go oversea during school days... *jealous* hahaz.. just hope tt they will enjoy e trip... and get a gold!! AJ choir jiayou!! i also bought a lot of stuff... all food!! muhahaz... must eat back my 3kg... hehez... got choco.. sweet... all e junk food.. :p so unhealthy... but who cares... once in a while wont hurt ba... i guess...
got back all my result for MYE le... :x
flunk almost every subject... ahhhh... haven tell my parents my results yet... wait till e report card come then say ba... and there is meet e parents' session nextnext week!! just hope tt my teachers r not so 'interested' in seeing my parents... -_-
e blood donation ppl coming to AJ next wed... and quite a lot of ppl planning to donate... think they r really clever to ask for it in school... cas students r always kinder than adults... and will be willing to donate... i also want to.. but my mum was discouraging me from doing so... so dont no leh... maybe still will ba... since can help others.. and anyway hope my blood pressure is not tt low till they dont wanna take my blood...
tomorrow no school!! whole day no need to go out... muhahahaz... but i need to cheong my tutorials and hw... got like 1 chem tutorial 1 phy tutorial 1 gp paper 1 essay research + outline + essay 2 gp articles 1 maths tutorial & 1 econ essay outline... =(( and i need to go through my MYE so busy.. hahaz.. but im happy with it... and will have a sense of achievement after finishing everything ba.... [hope to finish la...]
life is full of things to do and hope now... :) im happy now... ^_^

8:55 PM
just wrote a v.long entry... but my comp just close e window... :( and i nv save it... so i will redo it again... but this will be a shorter 1... [cas cant really remember wat i was typing just now...]
ok... bored school days... study hw study hw pw cca... is all bout this... every1 is starting to prepare for either A level.. O level... or promo... no 1 want to go play... i wanna go beach... watch sunset... or maybe just catch a movie... any takers?? im trying v.hard to fill my mind with things so i wont hu si luan xiang...[ which i cant stop myself from...] i need a v.busy life to bring my mind away from all those things... or maybe really a rest tt can recharge myself...[not 1 tt i will play so hard tt i get more tired..]
been thinking so much tt im losing weight... bout 3kgs... and have not been eating much... im even losing my interest in food!! [really wrong] just hope tt i will be back to normal soon... cheer up!!

e audition
1:09 PM
ok... wanted to update yesterday...but i was simply too tired and lazy...
reach home at 5+ yesterday.. after e audition for new face 2006... was a tiring day... plus e fact tt i was on heels for bout 9 hrs... :s my feet was killing me by e time i reach home... :
the audition was held at subaru hub at tpy... i was expecting bout 100 ppl to turn up la... cas e ppl there were shortlisted u c... so thought tt there wont be so many ppl... then turn up tt there were like 250 ppl... o.O then we got a number each and started waiting... i got 113 which was around e middle... so not too bad... waited for bout an hr b4 going in in groups of 8... then e judges was like staring at us.. and we r suppose to keep smiling for the whole time when we were in there... :x and surprisingly.. i wasnt nervous... so i tried my best to hold e smile on my face... while they were staring at us... 0.0
then we got out and waited for e result... and had our lunch... i think tt e girls were simply too nervous or they just dont eat... they dint even finish e food catered for 200 ppl when there were 250 ppl... -_-"
after lunch... we waited for bout another hr.. b4 e guy came our with a list... then e whole hall went silent... "ok here is e list of girls selected for e 2nd round... in in numerical order... so if ur no is not called, just leave e room k... and maybe join again next year... " then this guy started with number 90+... all those b4 tt was super sad la... but no 1 stood up.. so they were just waiting for him to finish e list... then... he started calling single digits... and he realised tt e no is not in order... -_-""
my number was e last few he called... i thought i wasnt going to get in.. so i was like ready to leave then... then i heard "113"... im like... oh... i got in?? hahaz... after e 1st round... there were bout 50+ left... so im kind of luky huh... e chance is 1/5... :D then we need to go through it again and again... im feeling ok.. but some of e others r really nervous... e time e judges stared at us increase as e no of ppl decrease... :p feels weird...
then when it finally came to e final list... im a bit nervous... they selected 23 for e final list... im not in... wells.. kind of expected... was already v.happy tt i got through e 1st few... and guess wat... im 113... 110 111 112 and 114 all got in... out of 250... hahaz... but i have to say tt they r really good... and pretty... and they know how to make up... [i will need to learn tt]
think will c them on e papers or something next week... hope to c my new friends there.. :)
e audition is really fun... and i really learn a lot from e others yesterday... e way they present themselves.. e way they talk... is all e 'class' ppl... and some bitch ones of cause... but im lucky tt i met nice ones.. :))
im suppose to go k-box with selian today... but i only got up at 1 due to e effect of e painkiller i took at 6am today... and i dint call her... i think she must be really angry with me... so.. to selian: so sorry... *_* and really thankz for e make up...
and i will only be able to return muihiang's Dori book next week...
just finish tabulating my group's survey results... i forget how to do a nice and proper pie chart!! can only get e ugly 1s tt e excel give... which i dont like... :( all e computer lessons i have in sec 1 & 2 were wasted... :p cas i dint really learn anything from it...
i shall go and do my chem tutorial now... i must be guai and study hard... so i wont flunk my promo... hopefully... :)
[ ^_^ ]

7:27 PM
audition tomorrow!! so nervous... :s
hope everything will be fine tomorrow... and i can get through e audition successfully... =))
yesterday went to 2806 outing... is our 1st outing... :)) and even our teacher came down... wahaha... played pool and bowling... i was so bad la... esp when playing pool... :(( can even get e ball in no matter wat... argh..... e whole day i only won 2 game... out of 6 or 7... just bad...
mummy calling me for dinner now... hahaz... i can never resist the temptation of food... :p
[yi ding ke yi de]

so much
8:07 PM
in the past few days, there have been so much things happening around me.. until i dont know how to react and dont have the time for some of them... its been the most amazing days in my life... one of those that i will remember for the rest of my life... a sweet dream... e sweetest tt i have ever had...
你的笑像陽光般燦爛 小心翼翼藏在我口袋
i can feel it... but all beatuiful memories should be preserved.. keep aside... so it will nv change... is so beautiful that u wont even want to change it... like a tear crystal... one that u treasures... and is willing to give in anything to keep it... like a daisy at the top of a mountain... so rare.. yet so beautiful... is that nice...
to a special person...
you made the dream for me... though u took it away in the end... but i still treasures e times tt i have it... even if it is only for a few days... you know wat im refering to? well.. i truely hope u will read this entry and understand it... though i may not have make it obverse bout how i feel... but i can feel it... and i hope u did too... i really do...
诚心的祈求 希望愿望成真 感恩
ok.. now shall be back to e normal me.. :)
had a good msg today during my econs lesson tt really cheer me up.... muhahahaz... im shortlisted for TNPNFC2006 [understand??] hahaz... so happy... e audition is this sat... now i shall really think bout to go or not... cas it may be a change tt can affect my life... any suggestions?? i will have to five a response if im going by thu... tt leaves me 2 days to think bout it.... humm.. really dont no...
ok.. i got back my math and chem result today... ah.. so badly done... expected at least a C for both la... and i got D... =(( so sad.. and well i suppose econ and phy will be worst la... argh... hump.. but i will do better next time de.. if i really mug a month b4 e test.. think can at least get a C ba... WORK HARD!!!
my life is turing back to e yi4 dian3 ye3 bu4 hao3 wan2 de state again...beside some occational incidents tt add colour to my life... like having dinner with shenbian ppl... outings... chatting session with xingying and selian...[ which i really need now ]... and maybe laughing with my class...
realised tt my mood changes a lot from e start of e entry... hahaz... i really hope tt 1 day i can learn to control my emotions... is a skill tt i really need to learn lo...must master tt... =))
[诚心的祈求 希望愿望成真 感恩]

fire conference
3:34 PM
yeah MYE is finally over!! think i flunk my last paper... phy la... haiz... but nvm.. is over... just wait and learn from my mistakes ba... a long weekend ahead... 3days... a nice time to cheong my holiday homework... have really been enjoying my holiday la... till i almost dint do any thing... :p so have to work now...
went to PS with xingying yesterday to get her piano book... then had lunch there... been chatting all e way... :p a lot of things to discuss about... hehez...
then at night went to the fire conference with chengen and his church... the people there are really friendly and nice... had a great evening... the conference is a talk by evangelist reinhard bonnke... is an experience for me la... cas nv go to this kind of events b4... the conference really showed me the power the lord have on people... cant really say much la... is more of the feeling u get.. and im not in e position to really comment bout it...
then by the time i reach home... i was v.tired la... been up at 6+ cas my phy paper in in the morning... then reach home only at 12+... : was so tired tt after bathing... i fall asleep on my bed without taking off my spects and off the light... had a longlong slp... wakeup at 2pm by my father... cas he think im sick... -_-"
then now need to start doing my gp articles le... have 8 to do... again...
[happy!! ^_^]