1:14 PM
ahh.. is e 3rd day of holiday... and i haven do any school work yet... been stoning and slacking e whole time la... only manage to sit down at my studytable for sometime yesterday... i no i am wasting time... but i just cant get started... :(( every1 seems busy.. all e camp... oversea trip... but i dont have any... :"( so sad... lol just remember tt this time last yr.. i was preparing for a school trip to thailand... so fun... miss those ppl there loads...
guess i am too sian le... crapping... blahz...
well after all i spent e pass few days packing my ws.. and now they r in respective files.. hahaz so proud of it... just love to pack things and to put them in order... [maybe cas i am a virgo?? suppose to be perfectionist i think..]
and yap went to watch da vinci coad on mon... is a cool show la... think e reason y some say is nt nice is cas they read e book and expect too much from e movie... i mean is like e book is so thick lol.. they cant put everything into e movie right... so if u nv read e book b4.. maybe e movie will be better??
ah wat am i saying... confused by my own entry... watever... :s
any1 wanna go out?? i am like this week...

1:07 AM
dur to e lack of slp in e past week... i slp at 12 yesterday.. and wake up at 2.30 today.. and slp for 14 1/2 hrs...hahaz... feel like a pig.. :p
wellz.. realised tt time is really e best medicine to some problems... manage to be back to normal again... after like 50+hrs... so yap... currently feel happy and be loved by friends.. :D
went out with peifen jieyan and weebeng today... connie and beien r suppose to go too.. but did manage to turn up... but we still had fun...
realised tt ppl realy love sales... is e 2nd day of great spore sale today... and the whole place is filled with ppl... [duh...] yap.. and of cause.. since i went out.. i bought smting too... :) got a new skirt.. a top and 2 pairs of earings... and they add up to be less than $40... i think e prices are quite reasonable la.... ^_^
and yap i slack through e 1st day of my holiday... w/o doing any school work... :p and tomorrow i am will be in town.. so wont be doing any work too.. i suppose.. :p
but mon will need to return to sch for lessons... [isnt it holiday??]

11:26 PM
yeah holiday le... term 2 just fly pass like tt... like 1/4 of my JC life is gone.. really had fun this term in AJ... [ though it is nt as nice as tt in NYJC] :p ya.. really fell great getting to know e new ppl fron AJ... my OG and class ppl... ^_^
v.tired now... cas slp v.late last night... was lying on my bed from 12 till round 4 lol... just cant slp... was thinking about a lot of things... my past.. my present.. and my future... and how i will become in like 10 yrs later?? is really fun to think bout all these... u can get ur thoughts bout life more clearly...
yeah so i am in time for an entry b4 e holiday really starts.. [ like 1/2 hour later]
can enjoy myself... but nt forgtting to mug too.. mid yr in 4 weeks time??!! oh my... must make use of this month...
so every1 enjoy e holiday ba... have fun!!!
[feeling much better... tkz for all those tt r there when i need u... ^_^]

mistaken e mistake
9:30 PM
[warning: this is a super sad entry, so if u dont wanna spoil ur gd mood dont read!!]
feel v.depress just now... like all e bad memories... i realise tt e best and most effective way i learn is to learn from my mistakes... e mistake to love.. e mistake to hate.. e mistake tt i mistaken... was thinking bout a lot of things just e stupid things i once did... and the things tt i once took for granted...
realised tt there is no perfect person in this world.. e more u c.. e ugly ppl become... so kind of learn my lesson nt to zoom in too much le...
and i realised tt i am just so naive at some of e things... like believing tt as long as i have faith in something... it can be dont... ttr like totally rubbish lol... faith cant bring u anywhere... in fact.. is usually e things tt u believe tt put u into problems... like all e depression r due to tt??
i have learn some new definations for some words from my new experience.. and here goes...
wellz can only put this into words... [my language nt good la]
dont wanna go school tomorrow... i dont wanna face him... i dont wanna face every1... i wanna find a hole and hide myself... so e whole world cant find me... so i dont need to face anything... so i can push everything aside... but tomorrow is e last day of e term... i want a beautiful ending... for once?? so plz let my day be wonderful tomorrow... p^_^q
[mistaken e mistake]

no more test this week!!
1:18 PM
yeah finish my last test of e term... no more test this week!! muhahahaz so happy... can give myself a day off... ^_^
just finish chem skill C & D de SPA... overall ok la... manage to memorise most of the things.. though got 1 calculation wrong.. but is over.. so shall not bother over it le... ya now in school lib. printing my newspaper articles tt i did last night... manage to finish all... kekez... much lesser work to be dont nonight.. only an econs essay and some PW things. ya.. dont ask me y i still taking econs... cas e teacher say cannot drop.. must show her how 'good' i am at this subject then maybe she will consider... haiz.. tt will means tt i need to take econs for mid yr.. :( wellz just try ba.. nothing i can do also... ya..
ahh e printer so slow... while i am typing this whole entry, it just printed 1 pg... 1 leh!! omg.. hope can print finish in time so i wont be late for lesson...

new hair cut
5:01 PM
just had a haircut.. after about half a yr i think... hahaz.. feel much better... cant really understand y ppl dont like cutting hair... and some ever cry after a haircut lol... personal i like e feeling of cutting my hair... will feel much better... some how la... yap.. so currently i'm at a high mood... hehez.. although my hair look a bit funny now... think e hairdresser cut till too short le... but still can tie up la... so wont look too bad... hehez.. need to finish 8newspaper articles for GP on tue.. cas i nv do for 4 week le... although finish a few already... but still have a lot more to go.. :( plus i am seeing my econ teacher on mon.. so need to go through my notes on elasticity... also need to catch up on my other subjects... ahh not enough time...

a sad entry
9:24 PM
yeah today went to watch e bball finalls... guys again... they got 2nd in e national... loss by 8pts i think... a good job la... is a nice match to watch... both teams r v.strong [duh national finals leh...]
ya and went to northpoint for dinner with selian and xingying just now... had a fun time chatting la...
just now was surfing e net... and saw many pics taken by many ppl... reminds me about a lot of things... sec school days... NY OG friends... 0622 class mates... shenbian pals... ccs... roble ppl... all my good friends... those i love... :")
i am getting emotional...
well just want to take this chance and thank all those who have accompanied me in some parts of my life... in 1 way or another... w/o any of u guys i wont be wat i am like today... i wont forget any1 de... ^_^
yeah... feel better le... kekez... i am getting a bit stress up these days... so it kind of reminds me of many things... :)
[SMilE :D]

v.ball match
9:03 PM
yeah!! went to watch guys national v.ball finals today... is AJC against TJC... and AJC won!!! ^_*
is a tough match la... in 1st round AJ beat TJ 25-11 then TJ won the second and third round... ya... then AJ got e last 2 round and we won!! hehez...
was v.high during e match... keep clapping and cheering...
hahaz... had fun there la... but v.few 28/06 ppl went.. :(
is really fun lol... u guys should have went... kekez..
saw part of e girls finals too.. NYJC against HCI.. and HCI won e title... and meet NY friends... nv c some of them for months le la... miss them... esp OG and CT friends la... shall have an outing during e june holiday... yeah i love outings... a bit crazy today...
then had dinner at tpy mac... and reach home le... ya... need to go study phy SPA tomorrow le...
[reminds me of e girls finals bball match in sec 3]

7:14 PM
went to town on fri as planned... had a fun day... walking around... k-box session... and shopping!! hahaz.. so long nv buy things le... [e last time i went was like 4 weeks ago though :p]
bought friends' birthday presents... think i still own someone a present.. :p hehez... wellz.. and also got a bag for my mummy!! for mother's day la... think she is quite happy with it.. yap.. and of couse i wont miss out e chance to get myself a bag too... hehez... but e bag i bought is quite plain... so i did something to it... and i am proud of it... muhahahaz...

is nice right?? just tt e buttons r a bit weird.. cas they are fake la.. i cant find any nice ones at home... and cant find anything tt fits the whole thing... so just did it myself.. :x maybe shall replace it with real buttons which i am going to buy.. :p

okz... tt about all on fri ba... sat and today is just a normal weekend la... was slacking the whole time... but i manage to read some econs and chem notes... :D
chem test this wed.. and phy SPA on thu... hope everything can go on smoothly...
oh ya..finally decide about econ or geo le... after reading some notes on geo and checking out e syllabus for both subject on SEAB... i wanna change my contrasting sbuject to H1 geo... will go and talk to my teacher tomorrow ba... [please give me e courage to do so... :x] and i dont wanna change class... so is like i want to remain in my class and change subject combi.. yap... think it is possible ba.. [please let it be]
tts bout all le... jiayou for e up coming week!!
[having a lot of random thoughts]

yeah!! i so happy
7:28 PM
yeah this week is finally over!! [school days] all e test over!! at least nt as stress up le...
shall enjoy a bit during this week end... esp tomorrw!! going town!! hehez... k-box + chatting + shopping = prefect day!! hahaz... guess i abit too slack.. but for 1 day think is ok ba...
still ahven decide bout e subject combi... must make e decision soon... yap...
[econs or geo??]

should i??
8:46 PM
been pondering over this for e pass two weeks... should i change my subject combi?? i no is kind of late to think bout this now but... is better than thinking bout it after my As... when i may be really regreting... was thinking of taking up geo H1 and drop econs H2... cas i really cant understand wat e teacher is talking bout in lesson lol... i tried... i really did... i listen during lectures... read the notes at home... but e concepts just cant link in my head... points all over e place... :( at 1st i thought tt i can get it after sometime... but now i realise tt it is nt e case... u dont understand means u dont understand... i think i just dont have e econs sense ba... some ideas may seem really easy to somr of u... but i just cant get it... if u wanna ask y i nv drop it after e 1st 3 months? well i also dont no... just thought tt i can make it de... and i love geo... i really do... esp physical geo... but it is really of no use lol... wat can i do with H1 geo?? map drawer?? think my parents will kill me if i do tt lol... but at least i think it can give me a good grade ba... how i wish i could be cleverer... or at least have some econ sense... haiz still haven decide... cas changing combi will means changing class... and i dont want tt.. i like my class... and i dont want a new set of teachers... i am just getting used to this one now and need to change again?? and my PW group?? wat to do?? haiz... really wonders...

2 down 4 more to go
10:07 PM
just finish reading some of my GP articles... need to prepare for e test tomorrow... haiz GP eh... nv writh essay for about half a yr le... then last time also nv write argumentative de... always write narrative stories... :( need to master e skill of argumentative essays... if nt GP sure fail de...
just finish maths test today... nv do a 7m Q... cas nv studt tt topic!! [ shall nt say e Q cas some class haven take e test yet] but the others r ok la... at least i think i did correctly...
still have a busy week ahead... GP tomorrow NAPFA on wed and econs on thu... :( must JIAYOU!!! hope e week can fly pass just like e last 1...
must continue with my GP notes le...
[yi ding ke yi de... jiayou!! mugmugmug]

2:50 PM
yeah... a successful night yesterday... :D things went on smoothly... beside some small mistakes... :p but hope tt e audiance didnt notice them... hehez
okz yesterday after school went to nexis to rest a while before e meeting time... then at round 2+ want to bath and change... then did my hair and mak up myself!! hahaz i so proud of it... was v.happy bout it... cas i think is v.nice.. ^_^ ya..
after tt got 1 round of rehearsal before dinner... still have a lot of technical problems... [like lignting and music at wrong time] but i think e AVA are doing a gd job... cas they only tried it out for like 3 times?
and before every 1 realise... we are alreadying waiting for e audience to settle down.. :x then a while later and i am on e stage... think i did a rather gd job ba.. ya... everything went on smoothly on e stage... just a bit ov problem with my voiceover... :/ kekez...
went back to nexis to wait... and took loads of photos... ^_^ but later on something happen to my digi cam... :( my friend was passing it to me and it drop on e floor!! :/ [AHHHHH] but she brought it home to help me repair... and after e show they realised tt e file they borrow from me as props was left at e back stage of e audi.. :/ but they promise to help me find it...
was so glad tt some baiyungang ppl [peifen mingjue beien connie justin] came to support me!! and thankz for e watermelon... kekez... xi gua zhen de hen tian hen tian!! yap...
went to KF[C] for supper after tt before going home...
every1 did a great job yesterday... esp. those in 'yong yuan de yi han' [selian weizi wujiang shihao chinhwee qiannan zhehao]... its surely nt a yi han for me!! yeah...
now need to mug le... next week have 4 school days and i have 4 test.. :x [maths GP NAPFA econs] must study!!
[study x mug = :/]

CLDDS performance tomorrow
10:49 PM
CLDDS PERFORMANCE TOMORROW!! hope it will be as successful as ccs de bai yun gang... *_^ tkz for all those out there supporting me... i will jiayou de... will update more after e performance... which i hope will go on smoothly... ^_^
[hoping for a successful show tomorrow]

2 more dayzz
9:14 PM
just had a long weekend... so today feel quite gd although my lesson ends at 6+... had 7hrs of lessons today lol... and 1hr of PE... but is ok la... we only did 2 rounds of warm up for PE then the teacher let us off... cas tomorrow is 2.4 for NAPFA :/ die liao die liao... long time nv run 2.4 with timing le... ahhhh... just hope for a silver... which is like 15min... think can la.. if i cheong a bit... and dont give up half way and start walking!!
humm today's CCA rehearsal wasnt so bad.. ended at round 8... so went for dinner and just reach home... phy test is 2 days away.. or to be exact 36hrs... :( sianzz.. and i am still at thermal.. still have forces to go through.. and i haven do econ's essay outline!! shall go do work now...
[gd luck for all taking 2.4 this week... jiayouz!!]
[hope i can fly tomorrow... :p]