a dream
6:22 PM
yeah today can finally stay at home le... :))
slp till11+ today... kekez... og ya had a dream last night...
dream of having some pets... 2 puppies and 3 hamsters... if i dint remember wrongly...
e puppies were vvvv.cute!! 1 white and 1 brown with white spots... so cute lol... the feeling were so real... when i get up i was kind of disappointed tt it isnt real... :( they reminds me of my xiao yi's dog... but i dont think i am e kind tt can have a pet... simply cas i wont have e time and attention for them everyday ba... my interest seldom last... kekez
okz... was studying my phy almost e whole day... but only finish 1 and 1/2 topics... lucky still have tomorrow... e test is like 4 days away... really worried... all e test.. spa... pw... cca... haiz...

'school day' on sat.. :(
11:02 PM
is sat today... but is still a 'school'day...
went to school for cca... from 8.30am till 1pm need to pratice for out play as e production in just like 6 days away... but some dint turn up... so end up doing e props lighting and sound list... reminds me of e days before bai yun gang... where we have props grp... ava ppl and fu zhuang zu... they really help a lot... so all we neeed to do is act well... although is v.tiring is really great working with u all... MISS U GUYS LOADS!!! wish to go through all these again... :")
shall come back to reality...
well after cca want to northpoint for lunch... ate quite a lot... think i am getting stress up... cas ate a lot of hot and spicy things... went home straight after tt... was v.tired... went to slp e whole afternoon.... heard my mum saying something like 'dont disturb her... she dint slp well for e whole week'.. wonder how she can tell when i nv tell her.. kekez...
next week will be super busy... going to have rehearsal for e performance on tue wed and thu... and i have phy common test on thu... :( which will cover forces kinematics thermal phy and measurements... :(( still dont understand these topics lol... gonna die liao... must go mug le... jiayouz!!!
x-yingz [*mugmugmug]

track and field meet...
9:47 PM
today is AJ's sports day!! is a fun day overall...
went for 8x50m with my class girls... pearl yajie grace lingyan wanching peijin and sweekun... but they miss e medal cas of me... i dint do a good job... really sorry girls... maybe witout me u can get top 3... o.o
wellz... after tt was fun la... esp e cheerleading of different houses... they were throwing e girls up like they throw pillow like tt... poor girls... :p
for JAGUAR house de cheerleading... my class e guys went to help out with some effect... ya make it look nicer la... then when they announce that JAGUAR was e winner for e cheerleading.. they were like saying they can only get 2nd if there were not there to help... -_-
over all JAGUAR was e third house... e average... :p
then after tt i was a bit too high... suggested running around e track lol... unlike me hor...
then just cheong finish lol... and at e last part i ran faster then marcus!!! kekez cas his shoes drop out la...
then after want for dinner with liangyan yajie wanching pearl edmund marcus and jiazheng... had fun la... thouth i had a hard time cutting my chicken wing with e plastic spone... then charlie zhijue and alvin came to join us...
then suddenly they start telling ghost stories lol... made my hair all stand... and so cold... :(
i dont like it!! next time wanna say these kind of things better dont call me hor... i will be covering up my ears most of e time... hehez...
then after tt jiu went home le...
still have many things to do... i need more time lol... for all e happenings...
i need to go and do my GPP and PI now...
x-yingz [i am still nt use to it.. and wish i will nv be able to..]

eveerythings wrong!!
7:45 PM
i dont no wats happening to me in school today.. but thing are just going e wrong way... 1st in e morning... i wast almost late... alotough i wake up earlier than i usually get up... so have to rush all e way to school... then later tt got econs lecture... dont understand a single thing lol... e teacher like v.angry cas we wrer late so she was going v.fast... then i am thouse tt cant take stress de lol... so get v.stressed up... :( then after tt during break tried to finish my chem hw... and did it in time... them selian drop by to talk... make me feel happier... yeah... tkz la selian...
then before e day end... had 1hr of PE... run and run lol... untill my BP drop... then feel v.giddy... so dint really finish the lesson... e teacher ask me to rest...
haiz tomorrow morning have PE again... which means running again... sianz... miss e PE in NYJC... where we get to play GAMES!! tt is like impossible now lol...
i shall end here and go study... really lagging behind for my tutorials lol... and need to read through my econs lecture notes...
x-yingz~ ^_^
[i need more time...]

new blog!!
5:11 PM

yeah i am back to blogging after bout 2 years... must tkz tianxiang for helping me in doing e blog... :)
okz... yesterday was AJ's familyday... was something like a fun fair...
my class was selling nachos with cheese and cheese fries... is v.successful and we almost run out of stock half way through... so some guys went to NTUC to get more nachos and fries... everything was perfect beside e deep fryer... well is good that weiting brought his deep fryer for us to use... but we can only fry 2 servings of fries each time... so we keep telling e ppl ordering to come back in a while and collect... make me feel so bad... ppl come to buy and u ask them to wait...
over all e day was great... finish everything by 12... and made a total of $500+... how i wish tt we can put e money in e class fund... :p
then after tt want to LT5 to see how CLDDS's k session was going... heard some guy singing Jay's feng and e voice was like 'ermmmm'...
went to meet muihiang after tt with selian... muihiang was having her NAPFA test in e morning... so fast.. ours is still like 10 days away i thing...
had lunch at pizza hut... and something that make selian a bit *unhappy happened...
so went to a chatting session with her at northpoint... and i ate again... hahaz thing i going to get fatter le... but i realised something bout me tt day... whenever i am feeling sad or unhappy... i wont feel full no matter how much i eat... untill my mood change again... like yesterday... when i reach home... i was felling happier and super full...
and since yesterday i nv do anywork... i willl have to finish all my tutorials and GP project and PW PI today... :(
must put more time in my work le... common test coming...
so i shall end here and continue with my hw...

8:29 PM
wee... testing...