wats wrong!!!
10:49 PM
wats wrong??
been having such a happy life for like half a yr alr..
then suddenly all e emo things came together to me... again... jialatz... just when i wanna start to prepare for my studies... -.-
maybe is just me... tt think all these stuff as emo things.. maybe they are not really tt emo... watever... im just feeling emo... =x
when i thought tt we r so close tt anything can be voice out.. i feel e gap... i feel voiceless... and helpless.. wanna care and help.. but dont no how to... i can c and feel ur stress.. just tt u dont no im feeling it... u thought tt i was merely some childish kid who understand nothing about e responsibilties u r going through... like e ppl u r interacting with and e stuff tt u have to handle... but i do!!!
blah.. feel so sad... cared for others but they dont appreciate it... =(
went to nus openhouse with swee kun last sun...
walk around and get to no more about e courses...
had great gains...
cas i went there... with e following courses in mind:
1) BBA accounting (NUS)
2) civil eng.
and after e day.. i came home with THESE courses in mind:
1)BBA accounting (NUS)
2)BBA accounting (NTU)
3)BBA accounting (SMU)
9)some arts and social science courses tt i cant name..
so many choices!! [ and im still thinking of going aboard.. =x]
[though i might not qualify for all those courses by this time next yr...]
but overall i learn a lot of things on tt day... after all i still have 1/2 a yr to work!! and a yr b4 making e final decision... =)
went to sch for cldds today... j1s also came... got quite a lot of them.. though a limited no. sign up.. [i think all those who signed up turned up.. =D ]
gd news to us.. cas we need ppl for e production...
a e super gd news is tt i nv c any flying insects during CLDDS today!! meaning tt he is MOST likely out of it!! [evil laughter.. muhahahahaz]
tts all for now.. =)
every1 jiayou for LIFE!!!! p^_^q