10:42 PM
just reach home from a christmas gathering..
guess some of them still chatting ba... i would very much wish to stay with them and talk.. but.. must be more guai cas i have really been playing a lot le.. so came home with some of e others,, =D
we were at city hall and there were three of us.. and guess what.. we r all heading for different directions.. -_-" 3ppl.. 3 way...
today has been a rather busy day..
got up at 10 and bath.. then rush to northpoint to look for my mortal's christmas present.. but dint get what i wan there.. so went down to meet muihiang at around 12.. hehez..
had lunch with her at mos.. ate and chat. had a great time... and i gave her my present!! is nothing much la.. but i hope she likes it!! [right?? =p]
went to city hall to meet beien mingjue peifen connie tiantian xinyu weebeng and jieyan after tt.. beien was wearing a dress!! [nothing wrong with tt] but i was thinking of wearing a dress too yesterday.. then i remembered tt we r suppose to go watch movie.. so if i wear a dress i would likely become a ice cube after e show.. but end up e GV there is not cold at all!! and connie and i happen to have e same idea and we both did not do it cas of e same reason.. =D ^5
lesson learnt: check out information.. dont assume them!!
went to watch e night at e museum... is a great show!! and can promise u loads of laughters!!
and e plot was rather ok too... i c y some ppl can watch it once everyday since it is on screen.. ;)
then was dinner time!! [my favourite la..]
and e highlight of e day.. gift exchange!!nothing much for me to do.. cas my mortal not in spore... = on holiday lol.. so shuang.. hahaz..
i got a book from my dear angel!! is those adult comics.. filled with nice wishes and all.. really love it!! tkz jieyan!! =D and e book is like 3kg.. so made him carry it for me even after he gave me e present.. hahaz..
humm.. thought of something on e way back just now... and realised some probs tt i nv reall thought were problems... e way how others feel and all.. is nature for one to feel tt at a point of time.. he is having some emotions tt others will never understand... but in fact.. everyone feel e same some how... just at different time i guess.. just tt they show it differently ba..
and feelings are tt complicated.. to feel it.. understand it and control it... maybe i will take a life time to learn lo... for e time being.. just hope tt im less emo at times... =p
ok.. tts my christmas 2006.. another week ahead b4 2007 comes up... enjoy e last week of 2006!!